NOTES ON THE WESTWARD JOURNEY is a work composed by a video and five artist’s books. Here I deal specifically with women’s diaries of migration during the so called Westward Journey in the US, between 1841 and 1867.

People movements and migration’s history are for me inspiration on the scout for utopia in Urbanism.  The narrations and words emerge in the works, together with questions about the living space and needs. The private sphere and the fall of the fourth wall of the house as a metaphor for people’s violence, are contemporary and significant matters, which are further of consequence in the creation of new associational fields.

HD Video 10’06“ – 2016   to watch the Video please use the psw: nonews

fotos: NOTES ON THE WESTWARD JOURNEY * 2016 -Artist’s books – Unique copies, 5 Elements 20 x 20 cm